Independent Budget Review

The Scottish Government commissioned this review in February 2010 for an independent panel to examine the country's finances and pinpoint some of the ways...


Some good news for Edinburgh! Work started today on one of Scotland's largest construction projects.The £85 million Expansion Space for the Edinburgh ...

Thursday 29th July 2010

Today we are highlighting awards......Cycling in Edinburgh is fun, notwithstanding the hills, the cobbles and the roadworks. Many of us are out there on...

Council Staff Go Green

Eco-friendly staff at the City of Edinburgh Council are due to celebrate their commitment to reducing their carbon footprint by launching a...

Scottish Low Carbon Investment Conference

This is taking place in Edinburgh on 28-29 September 2010. It is supported by The Scottish Government and Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce is participating...

New airport extension opened

The STV website is showing a wee film of the Finance Secretary opening the new extension to the that's who it was doing...

Lothian Buses out and about

Between 19 & 30 July Lothian Buses mobile shop is at Seton Sands Holiday Park. They offer mobile ticketing and information as well as...

Freedom of Information – more or less?

The scope of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act is the focus of a Scottish Government consultation that is beginning today. The legislation already...

Wednesday 28th July 2010

Here's a bit of a telling story from The Caledonian Mercury that out of $101 billion invested in oil exploration by BP, only $1.8...

Recipe of the week

This week it is not exactly summertime weather. Sitting here in central Edinburgh on a rather dreich Wednesday morning, it seems that it is...