Putting prisoners to work

Justice Secretary Ken Clarke is to tell the Conservative Conference in Birmingham today that prisoners will have to work a 40 hour week, in...

Scottish Premiere For New Film Short

What would you do in the event of a zombie apocalypse?  It’s always useful to have a plan, and there are hundreds of films...

Sainsburys take on more staff in Edinburgh

Sainsbury’s will open the doors of its newly-extended store in Blackhall on Wednesday of this week adding 80 new jobs to its 390-strong staff.The...

clubgolf – producing future golf stars

A sports initiative aimed at giving thousands of children in Scotland the chance to play golf has more than exceeded its target.During 2010, clubgolf...

Consultation on merger of Edinburgh University and The Art College

The Education Secretary has launched a consultation on a proposed merger between Edinburgh University and Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) to ensure an open...

Government wants you to get your flu jab!

At-risk Scots were today encouraged to protect themselves and their loved ones by getting the seasonal flu jab.Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon launched the seasonal...

Carbon capture will benefit from better regulation

A pioneering project facilitated by Scotland's Regulatory Review Group (RRG) will help realise the vast potential of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) energy schemes.The...

Alcohol Awareness Week

To mark the launch of Alcohol Awareness Week 2010 today, adults across Scotland are being asked how their drinking habits measure up and encouraged...

What’s on this week? – 4th October 2010

Beth Nielson Chapman is singing at The Queen's Hall on Tuesday 5th October and Corinne Bailey Rae is there on Thursday 7th October. More...

Aquamarine Power gain accreditation

Edinburgh wave energy company Aquamarine Power’s scheme for the professional development of its engineers has been awarded accreditation from the Institution of ...