At the City Chambers this week
The most important meeting is on Friday afternoon when the full council will meet to take a final decision on the Visitor Levy which will be introduced in 2026 on overnight accommodation in the city. The proposal from last Friday’s Special Meeting was to accept the proposals from officers that the levy rate will be 5% and recruitment for the new Chair of the Visitor Levy Forum will begin immediately.
There might well be a full complement of 63 councillors at the meeting if the results of the Colinton/Fairmilehead by election have been announced by then. The by election is on Thursday.
Monday, 20 January, 2025
- 9.30 am Licensing Board20/01 – Dean of Guild Court Room – City Chambers
- 2.00 pm Pensions Audit Sub-Committee20/01 – Lothian Pension Fund, – 4th Floor, 9 Haymarket Square, EH3 8RY
Tuesday, 21 January, 2025
- 10.00 am Holiday Hubs, Consultative Committee with Parents21/01 – Virtual Meeting – via Microsoft Teams
Wednesday, 22 January, 2025
- 10.00 am Development Management Sub-Committee22/01 – Dean of Guild Court Room – City Chambers
Thursday, 23 January, 2025
- 10.00 am Governance, Risk and Best Value Committee23/01 – Dean of Guild Court Room – City Chambers
Friday, 24 January, 2025
- 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm Special Meeting – Visitor Levy, City of Edinburgh Council24/01 – Main Council Chamber – City Chambers
Council by-election
There is a by election on Thursday to fill the two vacant slots on the council. The by election in Colinton/Fairmilehead is the second in three months. The first was to find a replacement for Scott Arthur who has become an MP. Despite the Liberal Democrat candidate being successful she was suspended by the group less than a week later when they found out that she was planning to work remotely from Dubai. Her house went up for sale immediately after the by election result, and questions are still being asked about who knew what and when.
This time there are two vacancies as the SNP’s Marco Biagi also resigned in this ward to take up a senior position with The Scottish Government.
Details of all candidates are here. This has been a lacklustre campaign run over the Christmas period. To our knowledge no hustings have been held and certainly we have only spoken to a couple of the candidates this time round.

Streetreads – can you help?
Streetreads, the charity backed by Edinburgh author Sir Ian Rankin and the Edinburgh Makar, Michael Pedersen is under threat of losing its home in Nicholson Square. This is more than just a library for people who are homeless. It is a place to have a cup of tea and a chat.
Fiona Williamson, Head of Service for Simon Community Scotland in Edinburgh, said: “We are devastated and deeply concerned about the impact this will have on people who use the library. Streetreads opened in 2021 and has grown exponentially alongside the people we support. There will be a huge gap in services and support while we seek new premises, as our appeal for more time to find an alternative site has sadly been declined.
“At very little cost, Streetreads creates immeasurable value for the city. Losing this space is not just a blow for the most vulnerable and isolated people in our city – it’s a setback for Edinburgh as a whole.
“This isn’t just a library – it’s a lifeline. This is a chance for Edinburgh to show its spirit and solidarity. We’re asking landlords, businesses, and community members to help us to secure the right space which requires investment and funding. I am excited that together, we can ensure no one is left without the safety, opportunities, learning and hope that is provided by this vital service.”

At Duncan Place – Community Cinema
The January community cinema film will be cult Scottish comedy classic Restless Natives. Originally released in 1985, the film will be celebrating its 40th anniversary.
Saturday 25th January, 2pm.
Tickets £4.44 (see below) For ages 16+
Ronnie and Will are two free-wheeling lads living on a housing estate in Edinburgh. Broke and bored, the two decide to politely rob coachloads of tourists travelling through the Highlands for a bit of cash. Donning a wolf and a clown mask and armed with a puffer gun shooting out curry powder, the duo soon become a hit with the tourists and the public alike. As the two follow in the great tradition of Robin Hood and Rob Roy, their exploits make them a tourist attraction bigger than the Loch Ness Monster. But not everyone is a fan – the local police are closing in on them, assisted by a vacationing CIA agent. Featuring an infectious soundtrack by Big Country and stunning Highlands scenery, this much-loved film is a thoroughly enjoyable gem.
Limited tickets are available and cost £4 (plus 44p booking fee). They can be bought at Ticketlab
Hot/soft drinks and popcorn are included in the ticket price.
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The community councils in Juniper Green and Currie have funding to improve a path between Bloomiehall Park and Muirwood Road. The public is asked to help design the route and improvements to the path. There are two open events when locals can attend.
Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.