Edinburgh Labour have confirmed their selection of candidate to stand in the by election in Colinton/Fairmilehead triggered by the resignation of Cllr Scott Arthur who steps down tomorrow.
Sheila Gilmore is a former councillor who served in Edinburgh for the Moredun Ward from 1991 to 2007. She will take up the challenge to retain the seat for Labour in the by election on 14 November 2024.
Ms Gilmore was MP for Edinburgh East from 2010 to 2015, only unseated in the SNP wave in that General Election by Tommy Sheppard. Born in Aberdeen she later moved to Edinburgh. Sheila is a double graduate, first in History and Politics and secondly in Law. She worked for the Scottish Consumer Council and also a private practice specialising in family law.
Labour Group leader Cllr Cammy Day said: “Sheila comes with a wealth of knowledge in the city as a local community activist, former councillor and member of parliament in east Edinburgh.
“Her strong commitment to serving local communities was proven in all of her local and political work over many years. Edinburgh Labour are excited to select Sheila and the Labour movement will be out in force supporting her in the by election to replace Cllr Scott Arthur who formally resigns on 16 September.
“Councillor Arthur has been a great local councillor and will now serve as the member of parliament for Edinburgh South West and will be hugely missed in the Labour group and the council.”

Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.