Lorna Slater, the co-leader of Scottish Greens at The Scottish Parliament has issued a call for the parliament to recognise Republic Day on 5 May.
Scottish Green representatives have long supported the call for an “independent Republic Scotland where the power of the head of state is elected rather than inherited”
Ms Slater, who was a Scottish Minister until First Minister Humza Yousaf ended the Bute House Agreement, said: “For as long as the monarchy continues, we must stand up and speak against the unelected head of state. It is an affront to the very concept of democracy and equality.”
“My motion to The Scottish Parliament highlights the asks of campaign group Our Republic which states that in Scotland, the people should be sovereign with power being democratically accountable
“With the climate crisis upon us and families going hungry, Charles sits with jewels on his head and travels in a private jet.
“We will continue to campaign for a fairer and greener Scotland, where power lies with the people.”

Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.