When it comes to eating spicy food, there are two most popular opinions from people with parallel opinions. On the one hand, some people love eating spicy food and also know how to handle the same. But on the other hand, people feel pain even when they hear the name of any spicy food item.   

Hence while it is a fun experience for some, it can be a punishing experience for others. But it does not always have to be this way. There are ways everyone can enjoy spicy food without feeling any sort of uncomfortable at all.


Here are some of the most effective ways to enjoy spicy food without sweat, bloating, and tears.

Enjoy The Flavor

Spicy food is all about adding a flavor to your meal, and there is no point in eating such a meal without enjoying the flavor. Make efforts to focus on the taste and aroma of the dish that lights up your taste buds. But again, that does not mean you should overdo this since it might ruin the entire experience.

According to experts, it is recommended that you use the spices sparingly to get the right flavor that enhances the dish’s taste instead of ruining it. Besides that, you must add one spice at a time to prevent the dish from getting all muddled up with different types of spices. This will ensure you taste the right flavor and savor your experience of eating spicy food.     

Take It Slow

The last thing you want to do when eating spicy food is rushing it down your throat. This will not just ruin the dish’s taste but also heat up your food pipe and stomach. Also, you need to remember the more spicy food you take, the more it will affect the body. So make sure you maintain a steady pace while consuming the food in moderate quantities. 

In most cases, the effect of spicy food can last for about 15 minutes or even more. So presuming you are simply snacking on some spicy snacks, you should take it slow. Give some time for the heat to pass, and then go back for more. This will help you enjoy the taste without having an adverse impact on your body.  

Understandably, you might love the heating sensation on your tongue. But the discomfort this causes can make it almost impossible to enjoy the food. Thus, ensure you find the right balance between managing your tastebuds and enjoying your meal simultaneously. 

Focus On Building Your Tolerance

It is no secret that spicy food is not something everyone enjoys having on their plate. But that does not mean you cannot start enjoying spicy food. Contrary to popular belief, even you can build a tolerance for spicy food. The trick here is to expose your receptors to the spices on a regular basis which triggers a physical change and helps you better enjoy your spicy food without experiencing any pain or burning sensation.  

According to experts, exposing your receptors to spicy food automatically opens up the receptors. This allows the flow of calcium and sodium ions to make their way in, causing the receptor to transmit hot signals to the brain. But when you do this repeatedly on a short-term basis, the calcium ions tend to close the receptor door. This prohibits the brain from receiving any further signals about hotness. Do this long enough, and gradually your nerve endings will degrade, and you will have your tolerance.   

You need not worry about these nerve endings since they will open again, given enough time. But building your tolerance will require you to add spicy food to your deity on a regular basis, so eat spicy food more often, and soon enough, you will enjoy the flavor without the burning sensation on your tongue. 

Feel Free To Use Coolants, But Only The Right Ones

As you know by now, building your tolerance towards spicy food can be challenging. Besides that, there is the risk of damaging your nerve endings, even if temporarily, which might result in you losing your trigeminal sense. But that does not always have to be the case.

A straightforward way to keep your nerve endings functional without building your tolerance, you can still enjoy spicy food. The key here is to facilitate the growth of these receptors instead of numbing them.

But the catch here is you will need to use the proper coolant to ease the burning sensation. This coolant can be anything from juice, water, milk, or even soda. More importantly, this will tell your brain that everything is alright and there is no need to get alarmed by the spicy food’s trigger.        

Final Thoughts

There are many who love eating spicy food simply for the kick they can get out of it. So if you want to experience that kick, make sure you leverage the aforementioned information. Also, if you are ready to experience some food, make sure you use this Coingate gift card to experience the Texas Roadhouse and its spicy offerings.