Whether you’re playing in a land-based casino, or online, the rules of how to act in a Poker game are still the same.

These are the unwritten rules you should follow, in order to create an appropriate atmosphere for the game.

If you are unable to visit a casino in person, there are online slot games to play for real money, alongside Poker, Blackjack and a variety of other games, meaning you can play in the comfort of your own home!

In this article you’ll learn Poker’s game etiquette, as well as the dos-and-don’ts to consider whilst playing.

Pay attention  

It may seem like a given, but making sure to pay attention is key in the game of Poker. If you aren’t completely focused you may miss vital pieces of information or not hear other players, or the dealer, saying something important.

Act swiftly

It’s understandable you will need some time to think about the next move you’re going to make; but it’s important to not time waste – you don’t want to hold up the game unnecessarily. Avoid using your phone whilst playing a hand. In fact, some casinos completely ban phones from being used.

Show respect

Whilst playing Poker, you’ll want to keep a positive atmosphere among players and around the table. Don’t tell other players what you would have done or how you would have played a hand, as it might get annoying, and ruin your chances of bluffing.

In addition, don’t show the dealer any aggression or anger if you have been dealt a bad hand – keep the game polite and respectful throughout.

Don’t disturb others

You don’t want to create a disruptive atmosphere at the table. Make sure you aren’t distracting other players or affecting their gameplay. Talking loudly and talking too much, are examples of ways you could potentially disturb other players. This might lead to you being asked to move on.

Don’t ‘angle shoot’

The phrase ‘angle shoot’ means using unethical, intentionally deceptive tactics to take advantage of opponents. Examples of this being:

  • Being actively involved in a multi-way pot and talking to one of the other active players regarding the strength of their hand or what action they’re likely to take.
  • Being intentionally unclear about the action you wish to take when it’s your turn.
  • Misrepresenting your hand or action intentionally (i.e. saying you have a flush when you don’t or using a larger sized chip “accidentally” in what you “intended” to be a small bet).

Using methods like this will just make players avoid playing with you, as they know you may have ulterior motives.

Be a gracious winner or loser

This is an important point to make, especially to newer Poker players.

If you have won a game, be wary to not celebrate too hard or insult your fellow players – this can be seen as bad sportsmanship. The best way to celebrate winning is by tipping the dealer and collecting your chips, whilst acknowledging the other players in a humble manner.

Conversely, if you have lost a game, make sure to not complain or show anger towards other players or the dealer. It’s best to congratulate another player on their winning hand and move on from the situation – Poker is a game of chance after all!

All of these tips are just as useful if you’re playing live Poker online, as you’ll be playing with a real-life dealer.

We hope this article has helped you to understand some of the formalities whilst playing Poker. Now, you should be all set to play a game, at a land-based or online casino venue!

Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash