Most people have at least heard of the term ‘forex trading’, even if they do not know exactly what it entails. If you are a beginner, then there are plenty of ways in which you can start to learn about the industry and grow your knowledge to the point where you may be a successful trader.

Forex is a way to trade on the currency exchange and make money out of the fluctuations and discrepancies in the market. Of course, with any investment method there is risk attached, which is why it is so crucial to learn all about the industry before diving in.

You can even use a trading quiz to help to build your knowledge about the trading industry and test whether you are ready. But first, it is important to make sure you have done your share of reading and research, which is where our guide to forex trading for beginners comes into play.

Why learn to trade forex?

There are a lot of reasons to learn about forex trading. If you are successful, being a self-employed forex trader can allow you to travel and explore the world, set your own working hours and more.

There’s plenty of information that you should learn before you even think about trading with real money, but it is worth spending the time and effort if your dream is to understand trading and even potentially profit from it.

How to learn to trade forex

Let’s dive into some of the methods of learning to trade forex. There is so much information out there that it can be difficult to know what to trust, but following our steps will help you on your mission to learn how to trade forex.

Set up a brokerage account

This is one of the very first steps, and often you will have to provide plenty of personal info as well as identification. Luckily, there are companies out there providing customers with a legitimate way to trade.

Setting up a brokerage account doesn’t take long, and you will then be able to access your account from mobile devices as well as logging into your account on a laptop or desktop computer. Mobile apps have changed the way we access information on the go, but many traders still use an office (this can even be a home office).

Work out your strategy

If you go into forex trading without a strategy then it is very unlikely that you will have any success. Like many forms of investment, there are a lot of different potential tactics, techniques and strategies.

A lot of the tactics in forex trading revolve around being able to spot patterns and use these to forecast the future, but of course, a knowledge of global events and finances, and an analytical mind can also help a great deal when it comes to choosing which trades you are going to make.

Check your strategy in demo mode

It’s time to test your strategy and see what you can do. Fortunately, many of the brokerages out there allow you to test out your strategies in ‘demo’ mode. This is a way in which to play with fictional balances and see if you have any success with your strategy.

This is also a brilliant way to get used to the platform and interface, work out what a lot of the terms in the forex trading industry mean, establish your tactics and test your strategy without risking any of your money. Before you start using real money, it makes perfect sense to use the demo mode.

Ensure you track your results (and the industry)

It is absolutely vital that you use all the information you can to your advantage, and this means having a clear plan to track your results and work out what is happening in the industry.

Whether you use powerful software to track your trades or you are just looking to keep your own records on your spreadsheet, it is crucial to make sure you are analysing events, which will allow you to establish exactly what has worked for you and what hasn’t.


Forex trading can take some time to master. It is important to make sure that you get the hang of the basics first. Next, you can take baby steps towards the demo mode. This means you are practising, but without spending any real money on your account in the process. Eventually, it will be time to move on to real trading for real money.

Photo by Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash