Practical, smart and secure, uPVC doors are currently a popular choice with homeowners across the UK. There are a wide variety of colours and glazing designs to choose from, each with long lasting durability. A wide range of stylish glass patterns are also available, making it possible for companies to create bespoke door designs for you. 


uPVC is a perfect material for durability. These key features have led to uPVC windows being so popular within the industry. 

uPVC is water resistant and thermally non-conductive so it can withstand the extremes of heat, cold, wind, rain, and snow without problems of warping, corroding, rotting and peeling. uPVC provides a more durable option as the plastic is nonporous; the rain cannot and will not get into the plastic. This also means that it won’t change shape, something that can be an issue with window frames of different materials.   

Low Maintenance

Being made from UPVC, these doors are incredibly easy to maintain. After a while, if you do notice that your door doesn’t have the same finish it used to – a quick clean with soapy water will be more than enough to restore it. Therefore, you don’t need to panic about painting or varnishing it ever again!


uPVC are made from mostly recyclable materials to result in minimal long-term impact on the environment.

uPVC is easy to recycle. This results in saving money on heating bills whilst helping to protect the environment by lowering carbon emissions. 


uPVC is effective at keeping sound out. It provides an excellent barrier to external sounds.

uPVC windows can reduce noise penetration much more than traditional windows. This makes this material the optimal choice. 

Safety and Security

uPVC is reliable when it comes to safety and security. It offers unrivalled security, keeping your home secure from break-ins and other intrusions.  When buying a new uPVC window, look out for the British Standard 7950 kit mark as this is the minimum level of security all new windows are required to meet.

Where to buy a uPVC window?

Plan-it Windows have been helping customers across the UK for over 10 years, improving the energy efficiency of their homes while successfully reducing the cost of replacing new windows, as well as various home improvements. For more information, visit their website at or give them a call on 01204 373203