New business ventures are starting out in every corner of the world, and there’s certainly no shortage of digital publications that want to help promote them. Running your own UK business without the help of digital publications can be tough, but it’s also possible to get featured in them without costing yourself a fortune.

Here are the four best ways UK businesses can be featured in top digital publications. Make sure to check all four off your list.

Create your Digital Press Kit

A digital press kit is a collection of information about your business that you can share on social media and other online platforms. The kit should be ready-to-go and include your company’s logo, photos, contact information, and more.
When you’re trying to get the word out about your business, a good start is getting it featured by top publications. To do this, work on creating an interesting story or headline for journalists and create content that is relevant to the publications’ target audience.

To do this, you can avail digital PR services from an experienced agency that can help with spreading your content and news. If you are going to do it by yourself, be sure to make use of tools such as Google Analytics so you know what content has been successful in the past.

Work with Influencers

Digital publications are one of the best ways for businesses to be featured. They offer high visibility and reach. The best way to get your business featured is by collaborating with influencers from the publication’s niche.

For instance, if you’re a clothing company, then you would want an influencer from a fashion magazine or blog to work with you on a campaign. If your product is more tech-related, then find a blogger who talks about those products or someone who regularly reviews new gadgets on their site.

Consider Sponsored Posts

If you’re looking for ways to get your business featured in digital publications, sponsored posts are a great way for brands and organizations of all sizes to be seen by more readers.

Sponsored posts can also help increase conversions and improve your company’s brand awareness. To learn more about how your event can stand out with sponsored posts, you can participate in international festivals like the Scottish international story telling event.

Create a Story and Share the News

UK businesses are always looking for ways to promote their brand, but sometimes the best option is right there, unnoticed. That’s right, there are many different digital publications that can benefit from a little publicity and you might be surprised at how easy it is.

You don’t need an expensive PR company to get featured. If you have an idea or have news worth sharing then reach out to these top digital publications and see what they say.

For example, the recent return of SeekaHost at Insomnia Gaming Festival got the attention of many publications and is becoming the new hot news. Events like this can get the attention of digital publications and get featured without much effort.

Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash