A SCOTTISH registered social landlord has launched a forward-thinking platform to help staff with challenges enhanced by the Covid-19 pandemic and a separate platform dedicated to showcasing acts of kindness.
Bield Housing and Care have launched the Wall of Kindness and the Health & Well-being Hub as a way of celebrating the acts of kindness ongoing within the charity whilst prioritising the mental and physical health of its employees.
The Wall of Kindness is a specifically designed platform to highlight the hard work and dedication of Bield staff who go above and beyond in their jobs during these difficult times.
The portal will aim to recognise the amazing service and difference Bield staff make to customers’ lives across Scotland.
Bield has also launched the Health and Wellbeing hub which is designed to help staff cope with challenging moments in their work life. The aim is for the platform to become a place where individuals can dip into or signpost others to, who are looking for guidance.
The expert advice covers physical and mental well-being and will provide important steps to keep your mind and body healthy.

Lynne Douglas, Chief Executive of Bield, said: “Throughout this pandemic, and in the short time I have been here as the Chief Executive, I have witnessed multiple acts of kindness and a culture where the staff have gone the extra mile in their roles.
“It is a privilege to receive many notes and letters from satisfied customers and owners thanking us for the work we do, and the
difference we make too many people’s lives.
“We wanted to have a designated platform to share this amazing work and capture the acts of kindness that happen across Bield, so do keep checking to see what has been added onto our Wall of Kindness.
“Life has been challenging for us all in recent months and looking after ourselves is a key part of resilience and being able to cope with all that comes our way.
“The well-being hub is a resource designed with evidence-based information that will help staff in many aspects of physical and mental well-being. Eating well, getting enough sleep and being physically active are all important steps we can personally take, in helping us to stay healthy.
“We recognise when the news and media is full of gloom and sad stories that it is important to have information on staying resilient and tips about positive mental health.
“The expert advice covers physical and mental well-being and we hope it will be a useful tool for our staff.”
Since the platform launched there has been a host of positive feedback from employees with some of the housing developments making staff aware of the platform and its benefits.
Bield continues to invest, change and innovate its services and operations to address the needs of the next generation of older people and keep up with the digital advances of staff resources.
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