It was on 23 March 2020 that the First Minister called for an immediate lockdown and a stop to public gatherings of more than two people.

The idea is that by staying at home, we can flatten the curve of the spread of Covid-19 and protect the NHS.

Later this week The Scottish Government is planning to publish the number of care home cases related to the virus. Today, at the usual media briefing, the First Minister said that it is unlikely that the lockdown measures will be lifted at the next review. 6.067 people in Scotland have tested positive for the virus and 1,797 people are in hospital with confirmed or suspected Covid-19.

It seems that the message has still not got through to everyone, even as the number of deaths in hospital across the UK tops 10,000. Only a few days ago four people were rescued from Cramond Island and the council has now closed the path to the island.

The only permissible reasons to leave your home are as follows:

  • to shop for basic necessities once a day
  • to take exercise once a day – either alone or with members of your household
  • for medical reasons or to care for a vulnerable person
  • to travel to essential work if that cannot be done at home.

Police Scotland now have powers to enforce this. The NHS Louisa Jordan has been established and officially opened in Glasgow at the Scottish Events Campus. It has 23,000 square metres of space for more than 1,000 bed bays. Each bed bay has an oxygen supply.

Here we will update you as often as we can with coronavirus-related news, but also some ideas about how to keep yourselves entertained at home:

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.