Edinburgh’s Commsworld has secured a new accreditation as it tries to send zero waste to landfill.

As a result of sweeping green measures throughout the business, the firm has achieved an environmental accreditation ISO:14001.

That’s thanks the introduction of stringent measures – even monitoring how the aggregate waste created by its suppliers is treated, as well as a policy that sees it
recycle all of its computer hardware, often through donations to charity.

John McDermott, Chief Operating Officer with the rapidly-growing Edinburgh-heaquartered business  has been overseeing its sustained green drive.

He said: “To become deeply environmentally focussed and see real change we had to set
ourselves lofty targets – and zero landfill is exactly that.

“We believe we can achieve this in the coming years – the next challenge will be accelerating the timeline for delivering this. 

“I believe our success here has been down to us getting really granular with our approach to recycling and upcycling. It’s worth it though and is the right thing to do.

“We’re clearly making big steps in the right direction and we’re delighted to have the ISO

In addition, Commsworld has also been rewarded with renewed accreditations for quality
management (ISO9001) and information security (ISO27001).

John added: “These accreditations are all about monitoring, auditing, measuring and testing our policies and processes. 

“It’s not an easy thing to do but adherence to the standards and continually improving on
these processes and policies is key to keeping us at the top of our game and it
builds confidence from our customers that we have the robust systems in place
to support their business requirements.”