This year Colony of Artists takes place on 21 and 22 September 2019. From 12 noon to 6.00pm each day there will be art on display, music to listen to and food and drink to enjoy in this creative corner of the city.
With 66 venues and 40 venues (which are the artists’ own homes in many cases) there is a lot to see and do.
This is the 14th year that the artists who live in the colony houses at Abbeyhill have organised the community exhibition. Artist Gill Smith and her partner Bob Giulianotti organised the first few years of the exhibition, although since then Bill Mazur and Kat Chisholm have led the way.

As well as paintings and artwork of all kinds including photography, there are textiles, ceramics, paintings, handblown glass, woodcraft, socks, knitwear and upcycled plastic bags, jewellery to see and buy. Narcissus Flower School are taking part showing off their contemporary floristry design and McBarkers are selling their homemade dog treats. And Nick Gardner will offer you a tarot reading.
It extends from the colony houses just off London Road to The Hive which is the music stage set up on Rossie Place, Abbeyhill Primary School where they have a whole programme of events for children, The Artisan Bar and The Safari Lounge. Citadel Books and Century General Store on Montrose Terrace are also two venues where you will find things to see during the weekend. And they have a raffle too – put the weekend in your diary now!
All photos Martin McAdam
Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.