Community meeting at Allan Park
Comedy at The Stand
The Edinburgh Reporter Flickr Group
New cafe at the Museum of Edinburgh
Community Clean up
The residents of Allan Park Crescent are meeting tomorrow evening at 7pm at Craiglockhart Parish Church to discuss their proposed objections to a planning application in their street.
This is a residential street of 1930s bungalows, but number 25 has been sold subject to the purchaser obtaining permission to demolish it and drive a road through the plot to the area of land behind where a residential home and townhouses might be built.
The other owners in the Crescent are very much against the proposal and would appreciate any support they can get.
One of their supporters is local councillor Gavin Corbett who told The Edinburgh Reporter: “I hand-delivered a letter last weekend to all the homes in Meggetland and Allan Park setting out my deep disappointment with the new planning application. The green spaces of Meggetland have been shrunk in all directions over the last 20 years and I’ve always maintained that the derelict site at the nearby Fruitmarket would be much better for a care home than the retail park which is planned there.
“The new application results in the unnecessary demolition of a perfectly good house, the loss of yet more open space, increases in traffic volumes up a quiet street and a threat to a cycle path which is well used by local families. Perhaps worst of all, opening up a new access road leaves the door wide for yet more applications for yet more building on the green spaces and sports fields.”
You can see the planning application here.
Tomorrow night at The Stand there is a comedy show all about the election. Billed as satirical comedy for a radical Scotland this show might offer some light relief from the relentless politicking.
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There is a new café at the Acheson House courtyard at Museum of Edinburgh called Sugarhouse@Museum of Edinburgh and run by Sugarhouse Sandwiches.
The cafe will be open till the end of September, opening hours being Monday to Saturday 11am – 4pm, and during August only, Sunday 12.30pm – 4pm.
The entrance to the courtyard is to the left of the main Museum entrance on the Canongate.
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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.