Patients and families affected by muscular dystrophy or a related condition come together in Edinburgh

When: Saturday 15 November 2014 from 2pm to 4pm

Where: Scottish Muscle Group meeting in Edinburgh at Holiday Inn Edinburgh, 132 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH12 6UA

People from across Scotland affected by muscular dystrophy or related neuromuscular conditions will be coming together in Edinburgh on Saturday the 15th of November for a meeting of the Scottish Muscle Group.

The Scottish Muscle Group, organised by the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign, is a support and information group for people and their families with muscle wasting conditions. Meetings are an opportunity for them to come to meet others facing similar challenges, as well as a chance to discuss the types of support that help them to live with and manage their condition.
The forthcoming meeting will be focused on adjustments and adaptations, as well as a chance to share tips and advice about accessing local support.

If you would like to attend or would like further information, please contact Mariana Pierotti on 07711 591904 or email

Submitted by Jake Murtaugh


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