Circa: Wunderkammer

Circa: Wunderkammer, Underbelly Bristo Square 1pm and 5pm, until 26 Aug (except 7, 13, 20, 22), £16.50 (£15.50 concessions)

What just happened? I genuinely do not know what to say, but I must muster something. Wait, what actually just happened? Can I review this? No, really, does anyone who has witnessed Circa: Wunderkammer in the Underbelly McEwan Hall actually know what went on in there?!

Circa: Wunderkammer is promoted as ‘an exquisite cabaret of the senses (where) 7 performers of unbelievable ability bend the very fabric of reality,’ which is a wholly fair and true statement. Cabaret is peppered throughout the production, but the line into ‘adult entertainment’ is not quite crossed. The activities achieved, combined with the generally minimal clothing, make for a captivating show.

The haunting introduction was a tad too delicate in comparison to the exuberant performance that was to follow. The first quarter was perplexing, and when the 7 cast members decided to insert a balloon through their nose and out of their mouths, the audience’s gasp made me consider booking a group appointment with a specialist for the performers and the audience, to confirm that we were not all too traumatised by the experience.

The show soon found its footing however, with an abundance of flesh, supposed sexual frustration and stunning acrobatics ensuing. At times the stage looked too busy, but in the main there was a confident cocktail of ‘movements’, leaving the audience to decide what to take from each of them.

The flexibility and fluidity of the cast made it seem, at one point at least, that they were melting, an effect which was interesting to see live. There were moments of amazement, regularly raising the question of just how do they accomplish what they accomplish.

There are two certainties concerning Circa: Wunderkammer, the first being that the acrobats who performed the stunts are exceptionally talented, with the rigorous rehearsals required ultimately paying off.

The other certainty? You will never look at bubblewrap in the same way again.

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  1. cab·a·ret [kab-uh-rey for 1–4, 6, 7; kab-uh-ret for 5]
    noun, a form of theatrical entertainment, consisting mainly of political satire in the form of skits, songs, skilled acts and improvisations

    (not sure about your ‘peppering’ comment – think you may have cabaret confused with burlesque and striptease?!)

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