Our photo today was probably a welcome sight for many of those taking part in the Moonwalk last night….Well done to all of you who completed it. We are sure you are still asleep as we write this!

Ok, we give in, our first Thing today is nothing to do with Edinburgh. But if you read The Reporter regularly you will know that we use a nifty piece of software called Scribd to present pdf documents in our articles. Now, The Huffington Post has brought the first 2003 pages of the emails which Sarah Palin sent during her gubernatorial term in Alaska. There are loads of other pages on The Guardian site too.

Well, actually, maybe it does have something to do with Edinburgh. When will our Freedom of Information legislation in Scotland ensure complete transparency at both local and national government levels, to ensure for example that all “business” emails sent and received by those elected to office are open to publication? We wonder if that would be a good thing? What do you think?

Anyway here are the first 2003 pages….(yawn)…http://www.scribd.com/doc/57542957/Sarah-Palin-Emails-The-First-2003-pages

Council meetings on this week include the Policy and Strategy Committee and we will preview that for you later. Gavin Corbett has produced an article previewing the likely council by-election which may be as soon as August. You can read his article here.

Tomorrow in the city centre there is to be a Bentley rally which will visit the City Chambers around 11am. If you are a petrol head then you should get round there. Send us photos please! We are elsewhere tomorrow. You can upload any photographs to our Flickr Photostream. See the instructions in the right hand margin.

Scotland on Sunday’s Rory Reynolds writes an article this morning telling us all what we fear that the council may have to delay the decision on trams echoing what we wrote about yesterday.

STV Edinburgh are all over the Leith Festival, including sponsoring it, and you can read about the washout yesterday at the Gala Day. It seems sunnier weather today for all the other events which are due to take place. Send us your photos!! The best will be used as our illustration for Five things tomorrow…..