The Met Office predict a high of 8 degrees today with sunny intervals so perhaps not just as nice as yesterday when the sunny weather brought people to Princes Street Gardens.

A woman was assaulted on the A8 near Gogarburn last night by a cyclist and required hospital treatment. According to STV the police are appealing for witnesses.

The Herald tells us that our trams are now going to be used in Croydon instead of coming to Edinburgh as the project is so far behind schedule. The 27 trams are apparently almost ready for delivery, but the city is not yet ready for them.

Tonight at 8.30 pm you should turn off your lights if you are taking part in Earth Hour. WWF are behind this and they said:-“WWF believes there is still time to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. But we need to act now. Every registration for Earth Hour adds to our message to government that we want urgent action to tackle climate change and safeguard the natural world.”

The Reporter is excited to have been asked up to Edinburgh Castle to see what the city looks like with the lights out! But we are not really sure whether the photos will be very exciting… However if you want to get involved with lightwriting then there are instructions on the WWF website which you can follow and perhaps make your own photos…We would love to see them!

Or perhaps you will make some videos like this one below – put them on YouTube so that we can share them with our readers. Have you subscribed yet to our daily updates? In the right hand margin all you need to do is put your email address in and automatically you will receive an email with that day’s articles…. A good way to keep up to date with what is new here on The Edinburgh Reporter. We find there is so much news to tell that we cannot get round it all, so if you have a good story and want to tell it then feel free to pitch an article to us and we will be glad to have you as our guest blogger!

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