Do you know who your councillors are?
Well, if you don’t, then here is a link to the list of the 58 men and women who represent the people of Edinburgh.
There are 17 LibDem councillors representing 15 of the wards. You can access the list of LibDem councillors here.
Only some of them have websites or blogs…..shouldn’t they all have them?
Cameron Rose has a particularly well kept blog which you can access here. He updates almost daily with news of real interest.
Councillor Paul Edie has a blog which you can access here.
It is a good looking blog with lots of views on a wide range of subjects – and a great page with cocktail recipes! Today he is talking about the Forth Bridge and suggests it really should be declared a World Heritage Site, despite what Network Rail think.
This is an ongoing article and will be updated as we find more councillors and websites… this space.