The annual Spokes breakfast is on June 23rd from 8-10 outside the City Chambers on the High Street. Bacon rolls, scrambled egg rolls, stalls and speeches are promised.

bike weekThis is all part of Bike Week which runs from 19th to 27th June 2010.

On the first day of Bike Week you can ride from Edinburgh to St Andrews to raise money for LEPRA. You can download the application form here. The cycle ride starts from Inverleith Park at 8.45am and buses will bring you and your bikes back.

Details of other organised bike rides can be found here. It is amazing how many people like to cycle very long distances of an evening! There are also many competitive rides – for example the Bethany Sportive takes place on 5th June over 111 miles. You can get more details here.

One of the other initiatives for Bike Week is to encourage people to make films about bikes… It can be about anything to do with bikes – from how to fix a puncture upwards…. There are prizes! More details here.

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