Andrew Doyle doesn’t know his left from his right. But then, neither does anyone else. A staunch left-winger, Andrew has somehow found himself accused of being on the Dark Side. Partly it’s because he’s the only left-wing comic who openly opposes the EU, or maybe it’s because he co-wrote a viral video after the US election which was widely shared by the pro-Trump “alt-right”. Either way, in the current political climate, does “left” or “right” even mean anything anymore?

They say you should never talk about politics or religion in polite company. Andrew isn’t very polite, so he likes to talk about both. In this new show, he discusses the downsides of being honest about your political views, especially when it comes to sustaining fragile relationships with friends and a conservative Catholic family. He’ll also be asking where the left went wrong, and why they don’t want to argue with anyone anymore. He’ll be healing old wounds and al- most certainly making a few fresh ones in the process.

As well as a being a Fringe regular (with runs transferring to the Soho Theatre), Andrew is the co-writer of internet sensation Jonathan Pie, the spoof news reporter created by Tom Walker. Andrew started writing for Pie in December 2015, and since then has collaborated with Tom on weekly online videos and a live show which toured the UK culminating in a sell-out performance at the London Palladium. Their online video responding to the US election result has had in excess of 130 million views.

His plays include Borderland (national tour for 7:84, Scotland), Jimmy Murphy Makes Amends (BBC Radio 4) and The Second Mr Bailey (BBC Radio 4). He is currently working on a new play Reacher’s Point which will be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2017. He is also currently working on a musical adaptation of Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn for the Lyric Theatre, Belfast, in collaboration with platinum-selling singer/songwriter Duke Special.


Title: Andrew Doyle – Thought Crimes
Venue: Stand 1, 5 York Place, EH1 3EB
Fringe venue number: 5
Venue website:
Tickets here

Dates: August 4 – 27 (not 14)
Age: 16+
Duration: 1 Hour
Entry: £12, £10 concs (£10, £9 on August 3)

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