by Michael Casey
We were familiar with Justin Moorehouse through his appearances on Radio 5Live “Fighting Talk.
He did not disappoint. From the b of the bang, Justin Moorehouse gave a five star performance. He engages the audience early on and feeds off the energy.
He has funny bones and builds up a series of characters and series of scenarios that get funnier and funnier. His world is one of frustration and bewilderment. He is a breath if fresh air and we think his career has a lot of paths it can go down.
He did let himself be put off by a couple chatting at the back. He dealt with it in firm terms but it did get to him and you could tell he probably had a right paddy when he went off.
How he would have coped in northern clubs in the seventies is a moot point.
A great show that the audience loved.
Michael Casey is the Editor of YourThurrock and this review is a collaboration between The Edinburgh Reporter and YourThurrock, two of the many hyperlocal news websites in the UK.