Forbidden Planet

On my way to work a couple of weeks ago I found myself waiting for a bus on South Bridge Street in the rain...

Tatsunoko VS Capcom

Filmhouse ended the first day of their three day FabFest on Friday with a late night screening of Takashi Miike’s crazy but fun superhero...

Another World

The age old debate continues, thanks to Roger Ebert returning to his meditation on whether games are art (spoiler: he thinks they’re not) and...

Sam & Max

Ah Telltale, perhaps the greatest game company you’ve never heard of.Founded by ex Lucasarts staff, this small outfit have managed to pull off what...


Ladies and Gentlemen these are exciting times. We now have a Games Reporter! Games players of Edinburgh we give you...... Mr Phil Cobley. Phil...

Sacred Heart go climbing

They will meet with Dr Gerry McPartlin, a retired GP from Applecross who has seized on a huge challenge to raise funds for L’Arche,...

Hannah McGill Director of the Edinburgh International Film Festival speaks!

What does Hannah look for in a film that may open or close the Festival?Hannah McGill: It's a combination of factors and a degree...

Toy Story in 3D!

How lucky are we! This will be the first screening outside the US where it opens on June 18th.Anyone who has seen Toy...

The Ghost

It left a very unsatisfactory sense of wondering where the plot really was. The idea was there but it seemed the filmmakers had given...

The Cameo

Otherwise go to the Cameo website by clicking hereFESTIVAL THEATRE TO HOST FILM FESTIVAL PREMIERESThe Scottish Government is funding the installation of new...