Public or not public?

Thanks to Tom Allan for flagging this up on Twitter..... and maybe dear reader you will let us know what you think?Section 76...

Scottish Government spends less on travel

The Scottish Government claims it has cut its air and rail travel bills by over half a million pounds.From July 2009 to June 2010,...

Scotland’s Winter Festivals

More than 60 events are planned round the country including Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews, Dumfries, Perth and Stirling to celebrate various festivals over...

Edinburgh Academy old boy is new judge

Her Majesty the Queen, on the recommendation of the First Minister, has appointed Mr Angus Stewart QC, as a Senator of the College of...

Cramond Community Day

A special event to get older people active and helping their community is being held in Cramond next week.Cramond Community Day on Tuesday 19...

Developers urged not to forget affordable housing

Housing developers are being urged to get on board with a scheme aimed at building more affordable homes in the Capital.The National Housing Trust...

Chair of EIFF resigns

Hot on the heels of Hannah McGill resigning her position with Edinburgh International Film Festival in August, the chairman, Ian Smith has today announced...

The Tram Project

Yes, trams were on the agenda at the full council meeting yesterday and they were dealt with. Agenda item 8.1 referred to the Tram Update...

Lothian Buses – protest against merger with Tram company

Prior to the Council meeting on 14th October there was a sizeable group of Lothian Buses employees gathered outside to protest against the proposed...

Stewart’s Melville FP play Jed-Forest this weekend

The Stewart's Melville FP RFC team to play Jed-Forest RFC ...