The Crown Estate needs to be more accountable

Rural Affairs and Environment Secretary Richard Lochhead held talks with the Secretary of State for Scotland, Michael Moore, to discuss accountability of The Crown...

Get ready for the Pope’s visit to Edinburgh!

Residents, workers and spectators who will be in the capital on 16 September when the Pope visits are being urged to prepare well for...

LGBT Age – new service launched for older people

The LGBT Centre for Health and Wellbeing is proud to announce the launch of LGBT Age, a new service aimed specifically at older...

LGBT Age Film Night

The first ever over 50s LGBT social evening will take place on Friday 15th October 18.00-21.00 at LGBT Centre for Health and Wellbeing 9...

Scientists in battle against trafficking

A Darwin Initiative project, part-funded by The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, is helping to fight one of the biggest threats to wildlife by...

Scottish Broadcasting – what now?

Plans to transform broadcasting services in Scotland - providing new opportunities to develop talent, ideas and the creative economy - came a step closer...

Council Road Services Department get award

The Road Services Department at The City of Edinburgh Council has won a prestigious public service award.We are sure that you, like us,...

Robert Louis Stevenson – new book

A new book revealing Robert Louis Stevenson’s struggle to reconcile his darker side with the repressive climate of Victorian Edinburgh has been...

Going green…..

The Edinburgh Reporter is going green....well we already try since we only exist online not only for reasons of cheapness and wide availability, but...

Council Leader’s monthly report

The City of Edinburgh Council Leader, Jenny Dawe, has just published her monthly report on The City of Edinburgh Council website. You can find...