13.3 C
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The UK Parliament

Speaking to Owen Thompson MP

Speaking to Owen Thompson MP over Zoom for this interview, it was clear that one of the reasons he enjoyed working from home was...

Jardine welcomes Diageo jobs in Edinburgh

Edinburgh West MP, Christine Jardine has welcomed £150m of investment by drinks giant Diageo in its visitor experiences across Scotland.The centre piece will be...

Dissolution Honours List 2015 in full

Among the names on the Dissolution List 2015, Alistair Darling is the one which stands out for us here in Edinburgh, but there are...

Coronavirus – Prime Minister is admitted to hospital

The Prime Minister Boris Johnson has reportedly been taken to hospital this evening for investigations related to coronavirus.It was reported ten days ago...

Question raised at Westminster over Scottish Government’s international relations

Today in the House of Commons, SNP MP, Drew Hendry, raised the question of UK government guidance to Scottish Ministers about overseas travel with...

Jardine’s bill to tackle online abuse against women

Edinburgh West MP Christine Jardine has tabled a Bill in the UK Parliament calling for action to tackle online abuse against women and girls,...

Edinburgh West MP moves the House of Commons to tears with...

Michelle Thomson MP for Edinburgh West made a contribution to the UN International Day debate yesterday at Westminster on the subject of Violence against...

UK Government invest in Scottish research

A research project led by Heriot-Watt University is one of three awarded funding by the UK Government today.The Centre for Regulated Bio-Manufacture aims...

Midlothian MP starts veterans survey

Owen Thompson MP is working with a cross-party group of MPs to launch a survey about the experiences of veterans applying for support from...

Westminster Watch

A quick look at what Edinburgh's MPs were up to in the House of Commons last month.All eyes have been on Holyrood recently, what...