Supporters of Erskine Veterans Charity attended the 21-Gun Salute today at noon. The salute marked two years since the accession of HM King Charles III to the throne.
This was an opportunity to wish The Governor of Edinburgh Castle farewell.
The Governor of Edinburgh Castle, Major General Alastair Bruce of Crionaich, OBE, VR, DL, retires from the Army at midnight tonight. He will also leave his position as Governor of the Castle. Anyone following Alastair Bruce on X will know he has been running a commentary on his time as Governor – and particularly the sad news of his leaving the post.
Earlier this year General Alastair visited the Erskine Veterans Village in Bishopton and met with Erskine Chief Executive Ian Cumming, who said: “It was an absolute delight to showcase Erskine’s evolving care, accommodation and community services to General Alastair. Everyone in our Veteran Family, who met him, enjoyed his lively chat and questions. As Governor of Edinburgh Castle, General Alastair has proven to be a charismatic advocate of our work. We are honoured to be hosting this inaugural Royal ascension salute, alongside him, before he departs. We hope we can collaborate with his successor to raise awareness of our services, as they expand across Scotland.”
General Alastair said: “Any visit to Erskine is uplifting: the work done by so many staff and volunteers to care for our more needy Veterans, simply elevates the mind. I have a carved Scottish sentry and sentry box standing in the entrance hall of my Quarter, which was made by an Erskine Veteran and, when I leave the Castle, they are coming with me as a constant reminder of the joy and fellowship Erskine creates.”

Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.