An audience of Ukrainians, the consular corps and the Rt Hon Lord Provost of Edinburgh at the quadrangle gathered outside the City Chambers on Friday morning.
This event was held on The Day of the National Flag but also marked the Ukraine Day of Independence on Saturday 24 August. The National Flag Day was established in 204 to foster respect for the state symbols of Ukraine. And five years later the day became an annual event when Ukrainians would raise the national flag. The blue and yellow colours represent the wheat and the blue sky. Reverend Vasyl Kren from the Church of Our Lady of Pochayiv and Saint Andrew on Dalmeny Street kissed the flag at the end of his speech.

The Rt Hon Lord Provost, Robert Aldridge, delivered a speech. He said this was a “significant day in these ongoing challenging times for the people of Ukraine”. He said this day demonstrates unity and solidarity for Ukraine across the world.
He said: “This is Ukraine’s most popular day of the year. Today symbolises the determination of generations of Ukrainians who fought to reclaim their identity and sovereignty. Ukraine has and will always have its own culture and identity. The holiday has a special meaning as it allows Ukrainians to express their affection for a country run by and for them. the time has come to celebrate Ukraine’s past heroes and of course who battled for their country’s independence. But it is also now time to reflect upon Ukraine’s current heroes. during Russia’s current illegal invasion of Ukraine.”
The First Minister said: “Peace isn’t gifted to us, it’s hard fought for, it is forever fragile. So, while Russia repeats the worst mistakes of the past, Ukraine cries out to new generations of Europeans, that we can no longer take these rights for granted.
“We must nurture them, we must respect them, we must be prepared to defend them.
“That is why Scotland will always support Ukrainian independence.
That is why Scotland supports Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity.
“That is why Scotland will always work with Ukraine towards the goal of true peace in Europe, allowing democracies, human rights and the rule of law to hold strong, to succeed, and to be renewed.
“Therefore, as First Minister, I also serve you, the Ukrainian community in Scotland, and it is an honour to do so.”
The full text of the First Minister’s speech is here.
Consul of Ukraine in Edinburgh Andrii Kuslii said Ukraine is standing strong. He said: “The country is a hub of innovation and creativity and diverse opportunities. Even in the face of a full scale military invasion by Russia we have remained steadfast in our determination to become fully fledged member of the European Union and NATO.”

Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.