Five things you need to know today
Hibs fail in Andorra
Nigel Duncan was on the ball with his coverage filed shortly after a disappointing match last night when Hibs lost to a side they ought to have beaten.
He thinks that the manager’s coat is “on a shoogly peg”. Do share your thoughts with us of the Easter Road side’s performance.
Read more here – and you may comment below any of our articles.
The pigeons are back
On Thursday we met Shona who created the Elm Row pigeons – which are back. They may be behind the Heras fencing for just a little while longer until the rest of that area is finished off. But we are assured by the council that the rest of the work will be completed on Leith Walk and all along the Trams to Newhaven route by the end of August.
Fringe shows
If you are bringing a show to the Fringe and you would like to tell our readers about it then please upload your story with a photo here.
Make it compelling and include the link for tickets. Good luck and we hope everyone has a successful time in Edinburgh.
Audiences will of course make their own choices, sometimes based on reviews and the views of others.
So to our readers who are going to the Fringe or the Festival – we invite you to tweet to us your FIVE word review of any show you see. Yes only five…
Send it to us here @EdinReporter
Bringing the Fringe to care homes – Fringe Cares Fest
The Edinburgh Interfaith Association has come up with a brilliant idea and is taking Fringe musical performers to city care homes owned by Barchester Healthcare to entertain the residents. Professor Joe Goldblatt is behind the move. He said: ““Last year my wife and I sponsored one performer and I was amazed when residents who had not spoken for months suddenly burst forth into song, in French, when a Fringe performer began to sing the Edith Piaf popular song La vie en rose. As they sang along I was speechless and in awe of the power of musical memories to inspire their strong positive emotions and awaken their senses.”
Four programmes are scheduled for August 2023 and Professor Goldblatt hopes the programme will expand to more and more care homes in future years.
Two different performers are scheduled for 2023. Canadian storyteller and banjo player Keith Alessi stars in his critically acclaimed solo banjo performance entitled Tomatoes Tried to Kill Me but Banjos Saved My Life and the highly popular acapella quartet Octavoce shall perform their musical jubilee entitled 100 Years of Disney Plus!
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Please do consider subscribing to our monthly newspaper which comes out on the first of every month. If you do then it helps us to keep producing the paper and to maintain news for free for everyone online and in our newsletters.
Click on the image of our July front page below to sign up. Our August issue has already gone to press and will be available to our subscribers in the post today but will be available from our stockists by Monday.