Five things you need to know today

MS Victoria

The ship MS Victoria which is docked in Leith has been home to Ukrainian refugees for the last year. Now the UK Government has announced that it is their intention to use the ship to house asylum seekers. The City of Edinburgh Council discussed the issue on Thursday and the Council Leader will write to the UK Government asking them to clarify their plans.

Council Leader Cllr Cammy Day said: “Over the last year and a half, we’ve shown solidarity with, and support for, thousands of Ukrainian refugees who have fled Russia’s illegal war on Ukraine, as we have for Syrian, Afghani and, most recently, Sudanese refugees. Thankfully most of us will never experience the horrors these communities have faced, and we remain absolutely committed to supporting them in whatever way we can.

“As Ukrainian refugees continue to disembark MS Victoria following The Scottish Government’s decision to end its use next month, we were extremely surprised to be contacted by the Home Office about their intentions to commission the ship to house asylum seekers. All the more surprising given their previous advice that it would be impossible for it to remain.

“We were not consulted on this and urgently require further details from the UK Government on their plans. I know The Scottish Government and COSLA are in the same position and, having written jointly to the Minister of State for Immigration, Robert Jenrick MP, we’ve yet to receive a satisfactory response to our questions and concerns.

“The potential consequences for the Council in terms of the pressures on our services – and the city as a whole – are severe and, barring robust partnership discussions involving NHS, police and other colleagues, we will continue to oppose these plans in the strongest terms. Further, it is our understanding that Forth Ports are also against these proposals.

“Many of these people have risked their lives to make it to Europe and what they need is recognition and rights, not an unknown future without the support they so desperately need. While the MS Victoria has been a place of refuge for many Ukrainian families arriving in Edinburgh, until we have adequate reassurances from the UK Government regarding the welfare and ongoing engagement and support, we cannot allow it to become a floating prison for asylum seekers.”

MS Victoria docked in Leith PHOTO ©2022 The Edinburgh Reporter

Meeting in St Margaret’s Park

A meeting is being convened on Tuesday evening in St Margaret’s Park organised by Jackie Connor and Stop the Corstorphine LTN, and promoted by a group called Accessible Corstorphine for Everyone (ACE) who say this will be an important meeting.

There is an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order in place in Corstorphine where the council plans a Low Traffic Neighbourhood or LTN. ACE claim that this will push traffic onto roads which are already over capacity.

They also say on Facebook: “This is our opportunity to make the council listen! Corstorphine said NO, and we won’t back down!

“It’s time to show them that we stand united and will not accept this decision silently. Let’s make history together!”

We understand that both the Council Leader and the Transport Convener will meet a few people representing the group soon. Cllr Arthur also took part in a two hour Zoom meeting of Corstorphine Community Council last week, answering questions about the scheme.

In June 2022 the council published its independent market research about the introduction of a Low Traffic Neighbourhood here which would align with the key objectives of the City Mobility Plan to reduce car dependency, promote active travel and increase the quality of public spaces”.

You can read the research document here.

Edinburgh is not alone in experiencing opposition to change such as the LTN in Corstorphine.

Court of Session to live stream court proceedings

It used to be Perry Mason which took up the daytime TV slots, but now you can watch justice unfold live with a new court streaming service from the Court of Session.

This will be the first court in Scotland to allow cases to be viewed remotely by the public, which it is hoped will lead to more openness about the workings of the court. Read more here.

The first case begins at 10.30am – Lagan Construction Group Limited v Scots Roads Partnership & Ferrovial Construction

Friends of the Pentlands

The Friends are working to renovate the steep section of steps between Bonaly and Dreghorn.

The charity does a lot to preserve the area, and is always looking for new members for volunteering and social events.

Read the latest newsletter here:

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