Peter McColl is the Green Party candidate for the Portobello/Craigmillar Ward.

Peter has lived in the ward since 2005 and has been a member of the Portobello Community Council and PEDAL – Portobello Transition Town since 2006. He is a member of the Craigmillar/Portobello Neighbourhood Partnership where he has worked to ensure that community organisations are better funded. He is committed to delivering a fairer and more socially just Edinburgh in a fairer Scotland. He has worked in the voluntary sector for the past four and a half years, currently with an older peoples’ organisation.


You can contact Peter by emailing

You can also follow Peter on twitter @loota or follow Edinburgh Greens on twitter or Facebook.

And here is a copy of Peter’s election leaflet:-

April Leaflet – Peter McColl – PC


  1. Well the salary is £16,000 per annum so we suppose he would need another occupation, in common with many of the other councillors who work at City Chambers currently.

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