Taking it to the Max for young Blake
Max Hamilton, a self employed builder, has completed the latest in a series of gruelling challenges aimed at improving life quality for a friend’s young son stricken by Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
For his latest fund raiser in aid of Blake Boath, aged four, Edinburgh-based Max scaled Edinburgh’s Seven Hills 10 times in 77 hours.
He is now seeking to have the challenge he calls the Edinburgh 7×77 officially recognised as a world first.
Earlier in the year Max along with former Edinburgh Eagles rugby league captain Lewis Clarke, Hamish Lothian, Lewis Turkington and Blake’s dad Sean ascended the three highest peaks in each of Scotland, Wales and England in 23 hours and 40 minutes.
And then there was the Southern Upland Way solo examination …
“Didn’t quite go according to plan” admitted Max. “It’s 214 miles from Stranraer to Dunbar but I got a bit lost in some hills!
“My GPS tracker stopped working and with a yellow weather warning in operation it actually became quite dangerous.”
Nevertheless the intrepid Max prevailed and by Christmas he intends to have completed a 24 hour treadmill run with the sum raised on the “Battling Duchenne Disease” GoFundMe pages currently standing at almost £7,000.