Lighting the menorah in St Andrew Square

On Sunday evening in St Andrew Square the Scottish National Chanukah Celebration took place.

Angus Robertson, Minister for the Constitution, External Affairs and Culture, was lifted aloft on a cherry picker to light the Shamash, the lead light on the Menorah, in a ceremony hosted by Chabad of Edinburgh. This is the 50th year since the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, initiated the tradition of public Menorah lightings worldwide.

The Deputy Lord Provost Lezley Marion Cameron extended her warm wishes for the holidays. After the lighting ceremony guests gathered in large marquees to enjoy Chanukah delicacies – latkes, doughnuts, all accompanied by music.

Rabbi Penny Weinman Photo Chabad Lubavitch of Edinburgh

Rabbi Pinny Weinman of Chabad of Edinburgh said: “It was wonderful to see so many people coming out to celebrate the holiday of Chanukah in Scotland’s capital. This year is especially symbolic as it marks the 50th year since the Lubavitcher Rebbe established the public Menorah lightings. The message of the lights of the Menorah is so meaningful now more than ever before – to empower us to be a source of light to our friends, our families, and our communities. Just a little bit of light can chase away a lot of darkness.”

Angus Robertson, Minister for the Constitution, External Affairs and Culture, said: “I’ve had the honour on behalf of The Scottish Government to light the Chanukah light at the top of the Menorah, which is hugely symbolic and important for the Jewish community in Edinburgh and the rest of the country. Chanukah is one of the most important days in the Jewish calendar, and the Jewish community in Scotland is a hugely important part of our society and our national life. So for me as Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, External Affair and Culture, and also as the MSP for Edinburgh Central – where the Menorah stands – I’ve been delighted to take part and I wish all Scottish Jews and Jews who are living in Scotland a very happy Chanukah.”

The generous support of The Scottish Government, The City of Edinburgh Council, Essential Edinburgh, Unique Events and Police Scotland made the event possible.

The Deputy Lord Provost Lezley Marion Cameron PHOTO Chabad Lubavitch of Edinburgh
Minister Angus Robertson Photo Chabad Lubavitch of Edinburgh
Minister Angus Robertson with Rabbi Penny Weinman Photo Chabad Lubavitch of Edinburgh
Rabbi Penny Weinman Photo Chabad Lubavitch of Edinburgh