Why choose glass to package your products
Glass is an ideal choice for companies that want to market their products in a responsible manner. Nowadays, there is a lot of talk about the importance of the environment and how to minimise various forms of pollution.
Relying on materials such as glass allows companies not only to market their products in a professional and elegant manner, but also allows them to reduce their environmental impact. Glass does not degrade or release toxic substances into the environment.
Therefore, if you are looking for an environmentally friendly choice for bottling your product, such as wine, spirits, oil, vinegar, etc., all you need to do is contact professionals in the sector, such as those you can find on https://www.vetroelite.com/en/, so that you can find the perfect bottle to suit your needs.
Glass preserves the content
When consumers think of glass packaging, they automatically think of quality and well-preserved products. In fact, glass is one of the best materials for preserving food (and more) and all its nutritional properties for long periods.
One of the main characteristics of this material is its inertia, i.e. its ability to prevent external agents from penetrating the container, providing effective protection against oxidation, CO2 and chemicals.
Simply put, glass’s ability to maintain the organoleptic characteristics of its contents makes it the ideal choice for storing products that require excellent protection, such as wines, oils and delicate foods, but also perishable cosmetic products, etc.
You can choose the right colour according to content
Glass is a versatile material that allows packages to be made in different colours, depending on the characteristics of the products.
Transparent glass, for example, is ideal for packaged foods in oil, or for tuna, canned goods, etc., as it allows consumers to see the contents clearly. The transparency of the material makes it easier to assess the quality and freshness of the product, increasing customer confidence.
In contrast, dark glass is essential to protect perishable foods such as oil and wine. Such foods are particularly sensitive to light, which can alter them. Green or yellow glass acts as a barrier, reducing exposure to light and preserving the organoleptic properties of food.
Glass is a safe material
Glass is composed of natural ingredients and there is no need to use chemicals or plastic coatings to protect the contents. This characteristic gives glass a significant safety advantage: this material neither releases chemical residues into the food nor absorbs them.
This means that the product contained within it does not undergo any alternation whatsoever and the product remains 100% pure. As mentioned above, glass is not only safe for the contained beverage, it is also safe for the environment.
In fact, even if the glass should leak into the environment, it does not cause damage and does not release potentially harmful substances.
Other benefits of using glass
The benefits of using glass are considerable. First of all, as already mentioned, it is environmentally friendly. A properly sanitised glass bottle can be used, in the abstract, up to fifty times before being recycled to produce more glass.
This means that glass recycling, unlike other substances, is completely environmentally friendly and has no negative environmental impact. Furthermore, through the efficient recycling of glass, the use of raw materials of an extractive nature, such as quarry minerals, can be minimised.
Finally, glass is not only good for the environment, it is also good for food, as it helps the preservation of food over time.