Five things you need to know today

Farewell Consul General

Jack Hillmeyer has been an outstanding US Consul General for the last three years, not only promoting America, but also engaging in civic life in Edinburgh. Last night he threw a farewell party which also marked (albeit a week early) US Independence Day.

The First Minister was principal guest and praised the Consul General for his work during the last three years, and for his elegant tartan trews in the US Consulate tartan which was created during his term – and which matched the First Minister’s tie.

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Countdown to the election

Read John Knox’s Letter from Scotland here to recap on all the electioneering and shenanigans from this last week. According to the URL which our site generates this may be the 459th article he has written on all things political. It will be interesting to see what he writes next Friday on the morning after the election.

Critical Mass on Saturday

Margot Summer Fair

The restaurant on Barclay Terrace which is a part of the Left Field family is having a Summer Fair on Sunday featuring their own and other local businesses. What a great idea.
