‘Fake signs’ urging horse-riders to pick up their mess to be removed
Signs installed along Edinburgh’s Water of Leith Walkway urging people to ‘pick up after your horse’ are to be removed by the council.
Bearing the local authority’s logo, it initially appeared the signs had been affixed to trees along the path by council staff.
A councillor has now confirmed however that it was the work of an unknown member of the public taking matters into their own hands.
“This signage was not installed, or approved, by the City of Edinburgh Council Natural Heritage Team,” Scott Arthur said in a post on social media.
Cllr Arthur, who is convener of the transport and environment committee, said an investigation was ongoing in a bid to find out who was responsible and urged people to get in touch if they had any information.
Some called for the signs, which appear to be made of metal, to be left in place.
Commenting, one said the amount of horse manure on the Walkway was “beyond belief” and they recently had to watch their feet “at every step”.
Another said it was a “waste of manpower removing them”.
Cllr Arthur said: “In the meantime, the council will arrange for these signs to be taken down.
“Whilst it appreciates the inconvenience horse dung presents, horse riders are entitled to use this route and there is no legislation which prevents horse fouling, unlike dog faeces which can pose a significant health risk to humans, particularly young children, horse manure does not present a health risk.
“With that said, horse riders are encouraged by the council to follow good practice as provided by the British Horse Society which states “whenever possible move your horse off the path before it dungs”.
But Edinburgh resident Paul McDougall hit back at the councillor’s post, saying it showed “how far from reality you’s really are”.
He added: “All these problems with the state of roads, peoples homes/living conditions etc which takes an absolute age to do anything about, yet you’s are already on the case to go and get a tiny sign taken down.”
by Donald Turvill Local Democracy Reporter