This talented quartet dominated the under-14 events when the Lothian Schools badminton championships took place in Penicuik.

They are, left to right, Maggie Wang (George Heriot’s, girls’ doubles), Sophie Walker (Penicuik High, runner-up in both doubles events), Emma Joshua (Mary Erskine, triple champion) and Amy Hunter (Craigmount High, runner-up in singles and girls’ doubles).

As well as under-14s the seniors event took place and the various prize winners are pictured below.

Some had left before the photo call but included in the prize winning group are: Aryan Anirhuddan (Stewart’s- Melville), David Campbell (Dunbar Grammar), Lucy Degg (North Berwick High), Emma Joshua (Mary Erskine), Blair Whitson (Firrhill High), Anton Valanraj (Sinclair Academy, Winchburgh),Sophie Walker (Penicuik HIgh), Giselle Lee (Mary Erskine), Amy Hunter (Craigmount), Chloe Hu (St.George’s) and Maggie Wang (George Heriot’s).

Lucy Degg was a triple champion in the senior events while Hari Narayan Pranavan won the senior boy’s singles with Samuel Corlett, also from Boroughmuir High and a successful partner in the senior boy’s doubles event.

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