Most capital residents are happy living here
Just ahead of the Christmas break the council has issued the results of a survey commissioned by The Edinburgh Partnership.
The study included face to face interviews with around 3,700 people over the summer 2023 which was designed to provide a proportionate sample of people living in Edinburgh.
Most people reported feeling very satisfied with Edinburgh as a place to live, and a majority were happy with services provided by the council.
More importantly however those who experience deprivation have a substantially worse experience than people living in other areas of the city. From those who took part around a quarter had used a food bank in the last year. The specifics are in the summary of the report which you can access here.
Cllr Cammy Day, Council Leader, said: “I’m delighted that our residents are so satisfied with Edinburgh as a place to live. It is also heartening to see that people have recognised the hard work Council staff put in to supporting and delivering our services. Research like the Edinburgh Partnership Survey is incredibly insightful for our own future planning and the feedback will help us to keep improving the way we serve Edinburgh’s residents.
“The rise in inflation and the continuing cost-of-living crisis mean that many residents are facing the most difficult financial circumstances ever, but we are working extremely hard to lessen the impacts. The reality is that we are Scotland’s lowest funded council and ending poverty is not something we can do alone. I remain committed to doing my utmost as Council Leader along with colleagues and our city’s partners to improving the situation here in Edinburgh as there’s still a lot more work to do.”
Click here for the full summary of results from the 2023 Edinburgh Partnership Survey.
The Edinburgh Partnership is responsible for developing community planning and policy. Its stated vision is: “Edinburgh is a thriving, connected, inspired and fair city, where all forms of poverty and inequality are reduced.”
The Edinburgh Partnership is made up of representatives from these groups:
- City of Edinburgh Council (one member from each of the political groups including the Council Leader)
- Police Scotland
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- NHS Lothian
- Scottish Enterprise
- Edinburgh Integration Joint Board
- Skills Development Scotland
- Edinburgh College
- University of Edinburgh
- Armed Forces
- Chamber of Commerce
- Equality and Rights Network (community of interest representative)
- Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (community of place representative)
- Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations’ Council (Third Sector Interface representative)
- Edinburgh Affordable Housing Partnership