Braid Road to reopen

Council officers have issued a briefing about what is happening on Braid Road, which is helpful as it has been an area of confusion since the road was closed, and the layout altered at least twice since the beginning of the pandemic.

Cllr Scott Arthur the Transport Convener has published the entire note from the officers. He said: “Works will begin on the South West Greenbank Crescent side after the Christmas / New Year embargo ends on 8th January, with the main junction works (over 5 nightshifts) to follow. 

“With Braid Road reopened, this should reduced public transport delays on the main Comiston Road corridor.”


Braidburn Terrace will remain coned off and closed at the junctions with Comiston Road and Braid Road over the festive period. Residents and access to the church will be via Greenbank Place as has been the case for the majority of the works so far.

Braid Road and Hermitage Drive will re-open to vehicular traffic (subject to final walk over inspection) on Wednesday 20th December or Thursday 21st December. The new Tiger crossings are marked and combined lighting / Belisha beacon columns are in place, but the crossings will not be in operation until the final Scottish Power connections are complete and the lanterns and beacons are installed. Appropriate signs will be placed on site to inform pedestrians, cyclists and the reduced level of vehicular through traffic over the Christmas and New Year period.  

The modal filter will be replaced on Braid Road (closing it to vehicular traffic North of the junction with Hermitage Drive) pending final proposal outcomes from the recent consultation.

Braidburn Terrace
Street Lighting – New columns in place, but Scottish Power can’t attend before 10th January to carry out disconnections from the existing and final connections to the new.
New Signing – New lit sign columns are in place, but Scottish Power can’t attend before 10th January to carry out final connections
Carriageway – Surfacing complete apart from the raised table at the junction with Comiston Road.
Carriageway Markings – Markings and B2 Priority Parking areas to be installed on Wednesday 20th December.
North Footway – Surfacing substantially complete apart from a small section before the tie-in area at Comiston Road.
South Footway – Surfacing currently at base course (regulating), with final surface course to be carried out once the existing columns have been removed and final electrical connection established to the new.
Area in front of Church – Currently in temporary base course (regulating) with final Caithness stone flagging to be completed when the contractor returns to site in the New Year.

As the lit signs required will not be in place, Braidburn Terrace will remain coned off and closed at the junctions with Comiston Road and Braid Road over the festive period. Residents and access to the church will be via Greenbank Place as has been the case for the duration of the works so far.

Braid Road @ Hermitage Drive
Street Lighting – New columns in place, but Scottish Power can’t attend before 10th January to carry out disconnections from the existing and final connections to the new.
Lighting / Belisha Columns – New combined Street lighting and Belisha Beacon columns are in place, but Scottish Power can’t attend before 10th January to carry out final connections.
Carriageway – Surfacing complete including the junction with Hermitage Drive.
Carriageway Markings – All carriageway and Tiger Crossing markings installed on Tuesday 19th December.
North Footway – Surfacing currently at Base Course (regulating), with final surface course to be carried out once the existing columns have been removed and final electrical connection established to the new.
South Footway – Surfacing currently at Base Course (regulating), with final surface course to be carried out once the existing columns have been removed and final electrical connection established to the new.
Continuous F/way – Continuous footway exit from Braidburn Terrace – Surfacing currently at Base Course (regulating), with final surface course to be carried out once final electrical connection established to the new columns and lit signs.

Braid Crescent
Footway Buildouts – Works complete with raised entry and exit tables at the junction with Braid Road and Comiston Road.
Speed Cushions – Complete and awaiting carriageway markings.
New signs – Final ‘No Entry’ poles and signs erected at the junction with Comiston Road.

Greenbank Place
Footway Buildouts – Works complete at junction with Braidburn Terrace. Footway buildout at the junction with Comiston Road / Braid Crescent substantially complete with tactile paving installed and awaiting final surface course once street lighting columns have been replaced. Raised entry / exit table marked on site and ready to be installed once Braidburn Terrace is open to through traffic.

Braidburn Crescent
Footways – Alterations and tactile paving installed at the junctions with Braid Road and Greenbank Place. Raised entry and exit tables complete and awaiting carriageway markings.

Works on the Greenbank Crescent side of the junction with Comiston Road will begin when the contractor returns in the New Year, and I will provide further updates on progress at that time.

Braidburn Terrace. Photo: Martin P. McAdam
Braid Road. Photo: Martin P. McAdam