Buckstone Primary and Nursery get good marks after inspection
Buckstone Primary and Nursery Schools have been commented on favourably following a recent inspection by Education Scotland.
The inspectors found that the headteacher offer strong compassionate leadership to her senior leadership team, and that together they provide direction and encouragement to ensure the well-being and improvement of children and the staff. With good and very good results noted throughout, the inspectors also commented that the staff feel very well supported by the senior leadership which then translates into a “welcoming environment characterised by positive relationships across the school”.
A couple of areas were mentioned which could be improved: that the planning of learning in nursery class should be developed to ensure it is of the highest quality, and senior leaders and staff should continue to develop the “quality of teachers’ practice”.
But inspectors said they do not plan not make any further visits to the 409 pupil school where there is a 96.8% attendance rate which is above the national average.