Royal Bank RugbyForce announce Young Ambassadors

Royal Bank RugbyForce have named Lucy Hanna (31) of Broughton RFC and John McMillan (32), of Forrester RFC, as winners of their 2023 Young Ambassadors programme.

Each Young Ambassador will be given the tools and training required to lead their club to become more climate aware and promote positive environmental action in the local community.

Lucy will look to extend a successful kit swap initiative that Broughton’s women’s team have been running into the men’s team, helping to reduce waste in the clothing industry. She will also implement a series of small changes that can deliver big impact such as encouraging club members to cycle to nearby matches to reduce emissions.

John’s winning application sees specific measures under consideration including the installation of energy efficient equipment such as LED light-bulbs as well as mobilising the club’s membership to get out and about in the local community to help collect litter and promote sustainable behaviours such as recycling.

The Young Ambassadors will have access to their own £500 grant to contribute towards successfully delivering their project.

John McMillan
Lucy Hanna