Holyrood Committee is asking Edinburgh about the budget
How much do people in Edinburgh know about the Scottish Budget and the impact it has on their lives?
A Holyrood Committee has launched a survey to find out this and how public participation in the Budget could be best encouraged.
Every year The Scottish Parliament looks at The Scottish Government’s spending plans and how it raises taxes in the budget process.
The Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee is asking people how much they know about the Budget, which areas of it they feel affect them and how people can be more involved in the process.
If more people can be involved in the Budget process, the Committee hopes that The Scottish Government’s taxation and spending plans will become more representative of what people across Scotland would like to see.
The Committee’s Convener, Kaukab Stewart, said: “We would like to understand more about how we can involve the public more in the Parliament’s scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s spending plans and how it raises taxes.
“This is the public’s money and hearing from people across Scotland will help us to get a better understanding of the public’s views on public spending and on what is, and is not, working. I would encourage any person to share their views, so that we can get as complete an understanding as possible.”
The Committee’s survey is open now: https://yourviews.parliament.scot/ehrcj/impact-spending-taxation-scottish-government/