Five things you need to know today
Royal Highland Show
For visitors heading to the Royal Highland Show later this week with a youngster in tow then the Rotary Club of Corstorphine will be on hand to help keep them safe. The members will be manning a stand at the entrances to the show ready to put a wristband on your child which a parent or grandparent can then write a phone number for use if the youngster wanders off.
The Edinburgh Arrow
The Edinburgh Arrow is an archery shoot by kind invitation of the Rt Hon Lord Provost. The event at the Meadows field bounded by Boys Brigade Walk, Middle Meadow Walk and Melville Drive will begin at 3pm and will run until 6pm on 22 June 2023.
The Lord Provost is expected to attend with at least six councillors near the end of the event when the archers will process back to the Royal Company of Archers with a piper and drummer. Some of the area will be closed to the public.
Drylaw & Telford Community Council AGM
Click on the poster below to learn more about the community council and the work it is doing to try and improve the area.
Get ready for Porty Pride next month
There is really far too much on over the two or three days of the Porty Pride weekend to tell you about. Look at their website and you will see that on 8 and 9 July there will be saunas, cycling, music workshops, a beach clean, Support the Makers market, Civierino’s Slice Volleyball Tournament, swimming, and th every first Pride Ball in the newly reopened Portobello Town Hall. More details here.
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We will be working on our July issue soon so if you are part of something which is happening in July then do get in touch with the details.