Tips for keeping fit during the hard end-of-year period and benefits

The holidays are usually a break in our fitness routine. Especially during the holiday season, when every day is about sharing and spending time with family and friends.

In some cases, when the new year arrives, keeping the resolutions is a difficult task; even more so when it comes to regaining the habit of regularly attending the gym to maintain the figure. These times of the end of the year are full of disarmament as to taking care of our bodies. Usually we can see how abundant meals, desserts and plans of all kinds that reduce the availability to continue to maintain constant exercise.Therefore, knowing that losing the rhythm is easier than gaining it, it is necessary not to totally forget about training when these days arrive. Here are some tips so that your fit life does not go away with the arrival of the New Year.

Controlled eating

In days when food is present more than before, with flashy and appetizing dishes, controlling the amounts we eat becomes a challenge. One way to make this more bearable and maintain a balanced diet that keeps us healthy so as not to lose the progress we have made in previous months, is to distribute the food correctly.But, how do we distribute food to control the amounts we eat? The answer is simple: By consuming first of all those foods that are less harmful and loaded with fats, starches or sugars. Generally, at Christmas gatherings we can see how the tables are accompanied by fruits and nuts, foods that are good for the body, as they bring benefits for everyone who consumes them, especially if we are working on our figure.Consuming them before heavy meals, can help to reduce the initial appetite, which in the future will make us want to eat less and in this way we will be reducing the harmful elements that enter our body.

Do not give up training

We know that time is essential to dedicate to working on our physical health and that as events arise, the more difficult it becomes to maintain the routine.Despite the fact that holidays may grant more free time, many establishments also take their vacations – including gyms – a factor that influences our decision to continue with workouts, since not having the equipment and advice we are used to, we let it go until the vacations are over.These types of situations are not an impediment to continuing with an adequate training regimen, because, there are other alternatives to maintain the development of physical conditioning in these seasons. Some of them are:

  • Hiring online services of trainers.
  • Implementing new exercises that do not require facilities.
  • Go jogging before events
  • In this way, we will maintain an active and well-functioning lifestyle.

Benefits of keeping fit

Regular physical activity is the most beneficial thing we can do for our overall health. Regardless of our sex, race or age, the benefits of exercise can be seen in anybody that practices it.

Improving Erectile Dysfunction in Men

Erectile dysfunction is a fairly common problem in men, affecting a large majority of them and damaging their self-esteem and sexual health.There are several ways to combat this condition. Usually, through ed treatment online patients can obtain significant improvements over time, but exercise has been shown to have a positive impact on improving impotence.Therefore, combining good treatment with physical activity will increase the chances of having normal erections. Because erectile dysfunction is generated by both physical and psychological factors that must be treated, physical exercise attacks both in parallel, improving the following functionalities:

  • Increases circulation
  • Increases testosterone levels
  • Decreases levels of stress, depression and anxiety.
  • Oxygenates the brain and releases endorphins.

Some of the exercises that can be practiced to counteract sexual impotence are:

  • Outdoor sports where we can receive vitamin D, such as soccer, baseball or tennis.
  • Lifting weights
  • Jogging for 30 minutes a day
  • Practice meditation

Improve mental health

It is very common for day-to-day problems to cause a variety of worries in our brain, leading it to become exhausted and affecting our mental health.By practicing exercises, we activate the creation of chemicals within our brain that improve our mood and make us feel calmer and more relaxed. Thus helping us to control stress and reduce anxiety and depression.

Lower risk of coronary heart disease

Exercise is the way to strengthen the muscles of our body, the heart being one of them. As the body receives physical activity, circulation begins to flow better, causing oxygen levels to increase and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.As all the body’s systems are connected, it also attacks the production of “bad cholesterol” that causes heart attacks and generates more stable levels that prevent early heart attacks.

Boosts energy

It is common to feel exhausted on certain days, and if it is cold weather this heaviness is magnified. By keeping the body active with exercise, we provide oxygenation and nutrients to the various components of the body, while gaining strength and endurance. Thus, getting our whole system in a renewed way, which gives us energy to fulfill all our duties in the day.

Photo by Cole Keister on Unsplash