130th SSA Exhibition opens at the Royal Scottish Academy on 17 Dec
Taking place between 17 December 2022 – 10 January 2023, this year’s Scottish Society of Artists 130th Anniversary exhibition runs the full gamut of the contemporary art world as well as taking a glimpse into the exhibition’s rich history.
From classics of Rodin and Paolozzi to a collage of moving images housed within an entirely recyclable structure, from giant installations of inflatable lungs to tapestries and textiles, this year’s edition has something to offer everyone.
Jamie, President at SSA, said: “Marking the 130th anniversary of the inaugural Society of Scottish Artists exhibition we are so very excited to announce this year’s exhibition which will showcase an incredibly diverse range of work, in a multitude of mediums, by artists from all over the country.
“This will be the final year of our Presidency, and we couldn’t be prouder of what this body of work says about the exceptional talent that continues to come out of Scotland’s contemporary art scene today.”
Olivia, President at SSA, said: “Not only does this exhibition shine a light on some of the most exciting and diverse upcoming artists from across Scotland, it’s also a fantastic opportunity to be reminded of the internationally renowned and world-leading figures and works that have come from or been created here in Scotland.
“We are incredibly proud of the role SSA has played as the largest artist-led organisation in Scotland in supporting artists of all disciplines, and it has been an honour to be its President.”
Top image – Molly Kent (recipient of this year’s SSA Award for outstanding achievement) ‘I’m Sorry I Couldn’t Protect You’, 96 x 83 cm, wool, acrylic and cotton, 2022