Teachers are planning to take industrial action next Thursday 24 November.

The strike has been called by the Educational Institute of Scotland and the Association of Heads and Deputes in Scotland and will mean that schools in Edinburgh will be closed.

This is the letter which The City of Edinburgh Council is sending out today to all parents and carers:

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Cllr Joan Griffiths, Education, Children and Families Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “We fully realise the impact that closing our schools next week will have on not only parents and carers but also our young people however the planned strike action has left us with no choice.

“Our top priority will always be our young people’s education but The Scottish Government and COSLA must act now and get round the table immediately with the unions to come up with a deal that avoids these potential strikes. They waited far too long when it came to resolving the bin strikes in the summer and it caused untold disruption across Edinburgh and other cities in Scotland.

“Our young people have already missed enough time in the schools through the pandemic without having to suffer more lost learning away from the classroom. For the sake of our children’s education the Scottish Government and COSLA must get this sorted as a priority.”

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