Waterfront homes recommended for approval
Hundreds of new waterfront homes in Edinburgh have moved a step closer to being built with proposals set to go before councillors again next week.
Part of Forth Port’s continued development of the capital’s Western Harbour, the council previously granted the permission in principle – with the latest plans confirming there will be 615 properties comprising studio flats, and one, two and three-bed units.
In total the project will deliver 938 new homes alongside four commercial units.
But planners set out a number of conditions developers were required to meet before the project could move forward, and updated designs will go before the planning sub-committee for approval next Wednesday.
The new homes in the upmarket Newhaven neighbourhood will be “focused around communal courtyard gardens,” according to plans, which add: “The proposals build on the placemaking principles of our consented masterplan with the inclusion of traffic-free shared spaces between the plots, creating pedestrian and cycle connections between the new 4.7 hectare park and the wider waterfront neighbourhood.”
Council officials said several of the conditions relating to confirmation of the number of properties proposed, boundary of the site and designs drawing on “the positive characteristics of the surrounding area” have now been met.
“The proposals provide an acceptable perimeter block layout that will link in with the wider area,” they concluded, urging councillors to approve.
“The design, scale, height and density are appropriate for the location and there will be an acceptable level of amenity achieved.”
by Donald Turvill Local Democracy Reporter
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