Assembly Festival – S.O.E.
S.O.E. is a new play about two remarkable women in the WW2 Special Operations Executive.
The WW2 Special Operations Executive is tasked with espionage, sabotage and reconnaissance. As a wireless operator, life expectancy is six weeks. Madeleine is the codename for one such agent.
Flown by moonlight to occupied France, her job is to keep her circuit connected with London.
Gestapo Officer Josef Kieffer is on her trail and the net is closing. Now the war is over, Vera Atkins is trying to uncover the truth.
Of all the 12 cases of missing women agents, one haunts her the most – Madeleine – the Indian princess, Noor Inayat Khan.
S.O.E runs at the Assembly Rooms from 19 August – 27 August, 11.30am daily
Further details and tickets here