If you’re lucky, you can make a fortune in gambling. But, from a different point of view, casinos are designed to make money, not give it away. All gambling games, be it roulette, blackjack, or slots, are designed in such a way that the probability of losing is always greater than the probability of winning. Of course, no one will play a game in which you will get nine losses out of ten bets. But in any game, there will be more losses than wins.

Psychologists have discovered that casino gambling is an elaborate psychological trap, ranging from the rules of the game to the layout of gambling establishments. Everything is designed in such a way that players constantly receive a psychological “reward” and do not quit the game, even if they lose money. And oriental casinos are built according to all the rules of feng shui, where every detail has a hidden meaning.

Psychological tricks of the casino

The gambling industry has always used various methods to encourage people to gamble. For this reason, they have invested heavily in research on human psychology, which plays an important role in gambling marketing.

Color influence

Studies have shown that color is associated with certain emotional conditions, and can also affect blood pressure, respiration, and excitability. For example, red evokes excitement, blue gives a feeling of comfort and security, and reddish light makes people bet more than blue.

The influence of music during the game

The casino always plays soft noise or background music, creating a sense of interest and excitement in people. Music can increase arousal or relax people. Studies have shown that the more music consumers hear in a supermarket, the more they shop. The same is true in the casino: the louder the background music, the faster the guests place their bets. When you win money in the slot machine, it also plays congratulatory music, rings or buzzes, and falling coins hit the metal plate with a loud sound. This background sound makes you sense that it’s easier to win than to lose.

Human reaction to charm

Charm can also influence play behavior. Experiments conducted in a Las Vegas casino in the US show that spraying pleasant smells in the slot machine area can increase the number of guests’ bets.

Location inside the casino

The restaurant in the casino is usually located in the middle or at the back of the interior space, so players must cross the playing area before and after eating. For the same purpose, the casino also deliberately creates winding paths to extend the stay of guests in the gaming area.

Services for visitors

Many casinos in the US provide their guests with free alcoholic drinks.  When players feel comfortable physically and mentally, they extend their stay in the casino. For example, allowing guests to sit still can reduce fatigue and greatly increase comfort; therefore casinos use snacks, tea, and other drinks. In addition, there are some obsessive gamblers who do not want to leave the slot machine or roulette table to buy drinks or food, for fear that someone else will take the “happy seat”.

Nice bonuses

The main definition of bonuses is a kind of encouragement for gamblers, but the main goal is to attract new customers to a certain gaming platform. The player can try Woo casino bonus and enjoy the free game. Casino bonuses are relevant not only for new users, they can also be encouraged by regular gamers if they have been active players for a long time.

Psychological trap

A survey conducted in the UK showed that gamblers tend to be blindly optimistic during the game and believe that they have won more money than they have lost. But it is not always the case.

Freed mind

When you use your hard-earned money in a game, you will inevitably think and worry about it when placing your next bet. It is very unpleasant to lose real money. To “free your mind” and hide the value of real money, casinos make extensive use of tokens. Players exchange banknotes for chips, and voila! — making bets is no longer so scary because you are not betting money.

Recently, more and more casinos are starting to use smart cards, claiming that they provide convenience for guests. In fact, they are repeating the trick of ordinary sellers – studies have shown that consumers spend more money in the store when they use credit cards. It turned out that card users are not only easy to manage, but they also feel less guilty about spending too much. In a casino, smart cards also speed up spending money – after all, players no longer need to waste time constantly inserting coins or banknotes into slot machines. Once inserted  a card – and play until the money runs out.


Any person will give up any activity unless they are rewarded or rewarded for it – this is true for everything from exercise to games. Keep mental tricks in mind the next time you visit a casino and use that knowledge to your advantage. You will get much more pleasure. And gambling will not become a problem for you and will bring pleasure. After all, you are in control of your actions.

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